My First Mother Day
Mom in Florida  Our Second Mother's Day Without Mom
May 13, 2013

Hi everyone! I'm trying to come to grips with the fact that Mother's Day is just a few days away! It will be my first Mother's Day without my mom and I have to confess, I've been a bit weepy lately.

How on earth can I do Mother's Day without mom? I mean, I know that I'm very blessed to have had a mom, that who loved me/us and raised me/us is gone...and all I can say is, "I'm sad."

But Mother's Day isn't supposed to be sad!

So, here is a little pome.  I'll list 10 things I miss most about my mom.


Who gave me love and held my hand
And caught me when I fell
Who never slept to comfort me
When I was scared or ill
Who praised me when I did my best
And wept when I did wrong
Who smiled at silly things I did
And taught me to be strong
Who gave and shared and cheered and cared
With her heart and hands
Who will always be a part of me
My mother, my best friend

The 10 things I miss most about my mom:

1. Her hands
2. Her voice
3. Her smile
4. Her strength
5. Her wisdom
6. Her conversations
7. Her correction
8. Her laugh
9. Her presence
10. Her love

This Mother's Day is going to be hard. My heart aches for her. I know this sounds pitiful, but I really want my mommy!

But she's with Jesus now and I'm thankful God gave me the gift of a conversation with her that confirmed that she knew Him. And, so I rest in knowing that she knows Him and that her faith has now been made sight!